The Story, History and Importance of Çamlıhemşin Sevdaluk Bridge
What is the historical and cultural significance of the bridge?
Bridges over Fırtına Valley and Fırtına Creek have a long historical and cultural importance,[...]
Detailed information about Sparrowhawk Culture in Rize:
Introduction to Sparrowhawk Culture in Rize
Atmaca culture is a tradition that has been going on for centuries in the Rize region and is based on quail hunting. The historical[...]
Atma Folk Song in Rize
Introduction to Folk Songs
Atma Folk Song is a unique form of Black Sea folk songs that is common in the Rize region. This folk song form has a rich history and history and its origins date back to ancient times. Atma folk[...]
Black Sea Gastronomy Tourism and Food Culture
Introduction to Black Sea cuisine and its originality
Black Sea cuisine is a unique blend of flavors and ingredients that reflect the geographical and historical background of the region.[...]
Rize Famous Dried Beans Dish
Rize's Famous Dried Beans Dish
Rize Famous Dried Beans Dish, also known as Çayeli Bean Dish, is a traditional Turkish dish that has gained significant popularity in the Rize province of Turkey. This dish has[...]